Welcome to our platform for finding local professionals! If you’re a service provider looking for opportunities, here’s how our platform works:

Simple Registration: Unlike other platforms, we don’t require you to buy coins or go through a complicated sign-up process. Very easy to get started, and you’ll have innumerous access to job opportunities in your area.

4-Hour Job Offers: Each job offer you submit on our platform will have an 8-hour duration. This means you have a limited time to respond and submit your offer to potential clients. This ensures that clients receive quick and effective responses.

Feedback and Reputation are Important: Having good feedback from clients is crucial. The more satisfied clients are with your service, the higher your reputation on the platform. This, in turn, increases your chances of getting more jobs in the future. Client trust is key to ongoing success.

Honest and Competitive Pricing: Remember that transparency is key. When submitting quotes to clients, make sure your price is honest and competitive. This not only helps gain client trust but also positively influences your rating on the platform.

Our platform is designed to facilitate the connection between professionals and potential clients. With clear rules and an affordable payment system, we’re here to help you expand your business and enhance your career as a service provider. Join us today and start receiving job opportunities in your area!

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Connect with your trusted local cleaners effortlessly through our dedicated platform.

At My Cleaner we simplify the process of finding reliable cleaning services, bringing together skilled cleaners and satisfied customers in one convenient place.

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Loc : Greater London

Open : 9AM – 5PM (Mon – Fri)

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